

“我印象最深的是这里的环境和社区. I remember I locked myself out of my room and asked my Coach to send me the number for security as I was accustomed to having it at my previous schools. He then told me that there was no security, and at first, I was surprised and confused. 然而, 我继续在大陆博彩平台的生活, I realized that security was unnecessary and that the staff and faculty cared more about the students than any hired hand could.”

你主修什么专业? & 是什么让你选择了这个项目和纪律?

“我的专业是适应性部领导. 我花了很多年在不同的大学换学位. 我从工商管理专业开始,然后去了社会工作专业. After this, I changed it to a 通信 degree and then Coaching until I got to Tabor. 我一到这里, I wanted to focus my studies on learning more about Jesus and the theology of my faith. I was interested in cultivating my leadership abilities, and it was the perfect opportunity.”


“God has radically changed my relationship with Him as I have always viewed our relationship as one I need to earn. I thought what I did would earn His love and keep me in the right standing with Him. 然而, 通过耶稣的家庭和圣灵的引导, 我发现了自己思维中的这个缺陷,并找到了自己应该成为的样子. 从那时起, I have been able to strip off all performance-based actions that lead me to try and earn love. I have been able to not only understand my purpose (Love God and love others like myself). 我已经知道我的任务了, 哪一个是为了让人们觉得被关注, 听到, 已知的, 通过我关心和对待他们的方式来爱他们.

As you prepare for your final months as a Tabor student, what do you look forward to doing most? 

“I look forward to staying in touch with the many people I have built such great relationships with. 我迫不及待地想与他们接触,看看上帝是如何在他们身上和通过他们工作的. I get excited about seeing people I love and care about get opportunities and feel like they live a life of purpose and intentionality. 毕业后, 我要和我可爱的未婚夫结婚了, 艾玛, and begin our life together on the road within Chick-fil-A’s Leadership Development Program.”

Casle Heger (


“我弹钢琴已经快14年了,那是我高中三年级的时候. 我参加了一个地区比赛,得了一级. 那件事让我进了州立大学,那年我得了二级. 我想在大四的时候再试一次,在地区赛和州赛上都得了“I”. Dr. 利特克是我的州法官, and she informed me that I had a scholarship 在大陆博彩平台山所 to pursue piano and music if I wanted it. 我爱我的家人,所以我想待在离家近一点的地方. I also have a younger sister, and I wanted to be able to celebrate her achievements.”


“我最终主修了工商管理(市场营销),辅修了音乐, but I didn’t want to stop playing piano because I believe it is a gift God gave me.


“我参与了‘分享祈祷’ & 与当代基督教音乐. 我通过CCM认识了我最好的朋友之一,我们仍然是亲密的朋友. 我们做了很多公路旅行,在不同的学校演出. 我们在车里待了很长时间, 有这样相似的东西很有趣, 志同道合的人聚在一起. 每次我们走上舞台, we’d realize some students in the crowd may not have a relationship with Jesus or were working on it. 我们带着这个想法,想帮助他们更接近耶稣.”


“我现在在烹饪学校. My family owns a restaurant in my hometown, and I’d always joke I’d go to culinary school. 高中的时候,我到处都是. 我在威奇托找到了一所新学校. 这是一个为期两年的项目. As of now, I plan to be a private chef for families or start small with a restaurant. It’s so cool to cook great food, and after a long day, you want a great meal to come home to. 我们看看会发生什么.”


“我的专业是适应性事工领导. Dr. 温德尔·罗文向我们展示了如何领导一个教会, 我希望我能回去再做一次. He has seen what we aspire to do, and the internships I was able to do helped me a lot. 我和这里的教授们有着特殊的联系.”
“世界上有更多的精神需求. 大家都喜欢吉姆·保卢斯教授. 他的教学方式和理解学生的方式是独一无二的. He can relate to students and make it simple enough for everyone to feel they have a grip on the subject.”
“我希望我能上更多的课. 我喜欢呆在塔博尔的校园里. 这是一种你离开后再也回不去的环境和氛围. Living in a community with other people your age and the same goals is an awesome experience.”
“这就像是向一个新城镇的过渡, 但是你周围有你熟悉的地方的所有资源. 这不会让你觉得自满或安于现状. 当你搬进宿舍时,这是一个新的社区. 有我的教会社区和我的家人在镇上真是太棒了. 如果你是希尔斯伯勒的学生,你去了塔博尔,把它看作是一个不同的城镇. 你会喜欢它,看到一些特别的东西.”


现在计划成为一名女子足球研究生助理, 当你回想起第一次搬到这里时,什么最突出? 
“我来这里的动机与让我留在这里的动机不同. 我来这里是因为我的专业是体育,这是一个以基督为中心的专业. 我大一的时候受了伤,所以那很难. What encouraged me to stay was the community I found here would be hard to find at another college. 这是上帝的计划,我相信他对我的期望. 我很开心,很自豪,我不会改变任何事.”
“我永远不会忘记教授们给我的支持. 我不知道如果我在一个更大的学校是否会有同样的机会. 我们的教授努力给我们最好的,让我们有机会成长. , in particular, helped me show what I learned and represent the department and the school.”
“The soccer program has helped me grow in my faith with the experiences and challenges I had as a player. 也是所有的回忆. It’s hard to describe the memories you’ll make with your teammates on and off the field. 这些都是你将永远铭记并珍惜的回忆.”
“我想学习和体验更多. 一个M.B.A. was a great first step, and Tabor was a great opportunity since it’s a school I already know. 成为一名研究生助理有助于在经济上支持这一目标. 我也想继续从事我热爱的运动.”




“大三那年,我第一次被主教练伊恩·汤姆森(Ian Thomson)招入麾下. 我在大学时并没有想过要踢足球. 他找到了我,把我带到学校,我非常喜欢小校园的感觉. 我喜欢能和路过的人打招呼. I didn’t know what I wanted to do for my degree, but I loved how personal my professors were.”
Tell us about finding your passion and becoming a triple major in Criminal Justice, 心理学, 及社会工作. 
“我高中的最后一年, 我参加了一个学习自杀预防的项目, 性侵犯, 以及人口贩卖. My favorite thing is empowering kids to have a voice and know they have an advocate for them. They may not have the same opportunities to be successful, and I want to empower them to find that. It’s a broad field, but restorative justice is something I’m definitely passionate about.”
“我喜欢待在校园里,有所作为,享受塔博尔大学提供的一切. 我喜欢学校的社区和我们的足球项目. My coach was the one who baptized me, so Tabor has had a huge impact on my spiritual journey.”
“今年夏天,我将担任夏令营辅导员. 我在科罗拉多州的科罗拉多斯普林斯经营一个特别的项目. 我整个夏天都会和孩子们一起背包旅行, 享受秋天开始工作前的最后一次冒险. 我还将从8月份开始在网上读研究生.

Kierra Shewey


“我想在商界工作, 但是学习心理学帮助我理解人和他们的行为. I love the professors in both majors, so I’ve expanded my networking from both sides.”
“我现在有很多朋友,他们的父母也去了他博尔. It’s really cool to have that connection even though we’ve never lived close to each other. 我们整个夏天都在聊天,休息的时候一起出去玩. 我们抽出时间见面,这很有趣.”
“回顾我的大一,我不知道接下来会发生什么. 有时候很艰难,但我很感激. You sometimes have to go through stuff for God to take you where He wants you to go. 我感谢我在大学、社区和教堂遇到的人. 他们给了我这么好的机会.”
跟我们说说你和斯文道尔,简森,霍克的合作吧 & 劳埃德LCC(位于堪萨斯州麦克弗森.),以及前方还有什么.

“去年圣诞假期,我选择了拿个M.B.A. 在大陆博彩平台山所. 我也得到了一份不同的工作,但觉得不合适. 我在去年秋天的招聘会上认识了这家公司, 我甚至都没准备好和他们说话, 但是我的教授说, “你为什么不跟他们谈谈呢?? 他们在这个位置上没有其他人了.“他们真的很酷,他们后来安排了一次面试. 这出乎意料,但也让我松了一口气.”

Kierra Shewey


“每个人都有相同的目标. 在大学里,你专门来学习一个专业或爱好. 唱诗班和戏剧是每个人的激情结合在一起. 这是有意义的,因为我们都希望它既有趣又专业. We love putting together quality shows, and it’s exciting to be a part of what these shows become.”
“这是一个疯狂的机会. I planned both of my sister’s weddings, and they got married the year after that began. 我喜欢策划活动,并为婚礼的所有细节提供便利. I started doing it for other Tabor students, so I got my foot in the door that way. I was looking for office space because I had a lot of wedding materials that took over my 父母’ basement. 我们买了一栋楼, and it has been perfect to move toward being a boutique and have an office in that location. 我们也不需要改造任何东西.”
“She would have thought about starting a business, selling it, and then doing corporate life. 我是从活动策划开始的, 但我更想搬到大城市,做更大的生意. 我并没有像我想象的那样做好准备,但没关系. 我现在在正确的轨道上.”
“我的戏剧朋友是我最亲密的朋友和最好的关系. 当你离开这样一个群体时,感觉就不一样了. 我还可以演社区戏剧, 我希望最终能做到这一点, but it’s just not the same as the people you’ve grown and go through a program like this together. 这是许多终生的友谊.”


问:是什么造就了《大陆博彩平台》 & 适合你的适应性事工领导?
“我带着通讯来的 & 我觉得可以,因为我不太确定我会做什么. 我爱上了这两个项目,所以我坚持了下来. 我喜欢我的课程,所以我可以看到自己在这些课程的不同方面.”
“我想在教堂里做沟通工作. 我为我的教堂做一份时事通讯,所以这将是一个很酷的组合. 我也喜欢为一个事工或非营利组织做社交媒体工作.”
“It’s so crazy realizing that I grew up here and spent so much time 在大陆博彩平台山所 events. 中国赌博平台让我感觉很舒服. 我记得我的一些同学在第一天上学时很紧张, 我也感受到了一些, 但我能帮他们知道东西在哪里. 想到这里是我祖父母住的地方,感觉很有趣, 父母, 我的一些兄弟姐妹去上学了.”
“我喜欢参与我的教会和在青年团体服务. I got to participate in events at the high school and stay connected to the 西斯波罗 and Tabor communities. 我可以参加任何我想参加的活动. 我一直很喜欢塔博尔学生作为青年团体的发起人, 所以我喜欢这样回馈学生.”